Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Young chefs

Group members:- a. Kiishaan Tharmalingam
b.Marcus Wong Qi
c.Wong Wei Lin.
d.Eddy Wong Pin Yip
e. Harinash Rao
f. See Eleven
g. Yap Zhun Wai

Ingredients:- a. two apples
b. a cucumber
c. a tomato
d.two boiled eggs
e.four pieces of bread
f. small bottle of mayoniase

Method:- a. First, slice two boiled eggs, a tomato and a cucumber with a knife into slices.
b. Then, put the sliced eggs on a slice of bread.
c. Now, spread some mayoniase on another slice of bread.
d. Put it on the bread with sliced eggs.
e. After that, put the sliced tomatoes and cucumbers on the bread with mayoniase.
f. Lastly, Spread some mayoniase on another

Book Review: Clever Katya

Tittle: Clever Katya

Retold by: Julia Donaldson

Illustrator: Jane Kochnewitz

Publisher: Ginn Publications

This book is about a story of Katya who is a intelligent girl. The Czar of Russia went out of his couch when he saw a farmer eating some bread. Since he was hungry, he asked the farmer for some bread. When the Czar tasted the bread, he thought it was the most scrumptious bread he ever tasted. He asked the farmer to know the person who made the bread. The farmer told him that it was his daughter, Katya who made the bread. The Czar gave three unsolvable problems to Katya. She cleverly evaded all the questions and backfired them at the Czar. The Czar was amazed of her intelligence. He decided to marry her and brought her to the castle. She made him promise that she will take home something she loves the most in the castle if he was angry with her before she was married. They lived happily in the castle. After a year, the Czar quarrelled with Katya and told her to leave the castle. She locked him in a chest when he was sleeping and brought it home. He was surprised when he thought she had kidnapped him. Katya told the Czar the promise he made. He lived happily ever after.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The death of KING OF POP

Michael Jackson passed away on 26 June. I'll never forget that day. I really couldn't believe that he's dead. He left the world so fast. I wish that he is still alive. I was watching and listening to his songs for the whole day. Whar an important man just left me. Did you know that he was going to have a concert in London on 6 July and he just died. He used to be one of the best legends on earth. The songs like THRILLER, BEAT IT, BAD, SMOOTH CRIMINAL, BILLY JEAN and YOU ROCK MY WORLD became of the biggest songs ever. He started singing at 5 years old. He was also a rich man with plenty of money. But then everything when bad to worse, he had a platic surgery, throwing a baby from an appartment and many others. Then he started going to jail and because of that everybody hated him. Everything was in vain. Then he just died. I wish I could become a singer like him one day but not by his attitude.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This is a poem for all my buddies,

When things go wrong,
as they sometimes will,
When the road you're,
Trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low,
and the debts are high,
And you want to smile,
But you have to sigh,
When care is pressing,
You down a bit,
Rest if you must,
But don't you quit.

Success is failure,
Turned inside out,
The silver tint of,
The clouds of doubt,
And you can never tell,
How close you are,
It may be a near when,
It seems a far.

So, stick to the fight,
When you're hardest hit,
It's when things go wrong,
That you mustn't quit

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My golf tournament in Johor

I did not go anywhere for the holidays except playing golf around Malaysia and doing some priceless revision as UPSR is not far away. I played in Johor Bahru which was very far away from Shah Alam. I was very excited and nervous because my father told me that he would take me to Thailand for a tournament by a aeroplane if I win. I stayed in a hotel ''Kings Hotel'' which was quite luxurious. I owed my father for all his hardwork and money. I was very nervous on the first day as it was quite hot. I had to suffer with 6 hours in the sun walking. My father motivated and kept me relaxed. After the 6 kilometres walk, i had acomplished a win. I was suprised because I was quite far away from the leader. That showed to never to give up at all times. Anything can happen at anytime. That's why we should give our best. I hope to continue and progress in this sport as my father is believing in me. I also would like to be a professional golfer once I grow up. But, I have to concentrate on my studies because this is a vert important year to me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Michael Jackson

Ah music. Music rocks for me. I love music because it helps relax my mind especially when I am tired. Do you know why? It helps because I am entertained by the sound, lyrics, rythm and beats which makes me active and hyper usually at school. Speaking of music, I really admire Michael Jackson. I think everybody knows him but not anymore because he doesn't sing anymore. He was really popular. I listen to his songs everyday in morning in the car and after school. I just can stop it. I like so many songs sang by him. He is one of the most popular singers before and I don't think I will get bored of him until I am no longer in the world. I hope to become popular like him but that is not my ambition. Thanks for reading friends. Hope you like my paragraph.