Monday, June 29, 2009

The death of KING OF POP

Michael Jackson passed away on 26 June. I'll never forget that day. I really couldn't believe that he's dead. He left the world so fast. I wish that he is still alive. I was watching and listening to his songs for the whole day. Whar an important man just left me. Did you know that he was going to have a concert in London on 6 July and he just died. He used to be one of the best legends on earth. The songs like THRILLER, BEAT IT, BAD, SMOOTH CRIMINAL, BILLY JEAN and YOU ROCK MY WORLD became of the biggest songs ever. He started singing at 5 years old. He was also a rich man with plenty of money. But then everything when bad to worse, he had a platic surgery, throwing a baby from an appartment and many others. Then he started going to jail and because of that everybody hated him. Everything was in vain. Then he just died. I wish I could become a singer like him one day but not by his attitude.

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