Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My golf tournament in Johor

I did not go anywhere for the holidays except playing golf around Malaysia and doing some priceless revision as UPSR is not far away. I played in Johor Bahru which was very far away from Shah Alam. I was very excited and nervous because my father told me that he would take me to Thailand for a tournament by a aeroplane if I win. I stayed in a hotel ''Kings Hotel'' which was quite luxurious. I owed my father for all his hardwork and money. I was very nervous on the first day as it was quite hot. I had to suffer with 6 hours in the sun walking. My father motivated and kept me relaxed. After the 6 kilometres walk, i had acomplished a win. I was suprised because I was quite far away from the leader. That showed to never to give up at all times. Anything can happen at anytime. That's why we should give our best. I hope to continue and progress in this sport as my father is believing in me. I also would like to be a professional golfer once I grow up. But, I have to concentrate on my studies because this is a vert important year to me.

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