Friday, May 8, 2009

Michael Jackson

Ah music. Music rocks for me. I love music because it helps relax my mind especially when I am tired. Do you know why? It helps because I am entertained by the sound, lyrics, rythm and beats which makes me active and hyper usually at school. Speaking of music, I really admire Michael Jackson. I think everybody knows him but not anymore because he doesn't sing anymore. He was really popular. I listen to his songs everyday in morning in the car and after school. I just can stop it. I like so many songs sang by him. He is one of the most popular singers before and I don't think I will get bored of him until I am no longer in the world. I hope to become popular like him but that is not my ambition. Thanks for reading friends. Hope you like my paragraph.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The handball competition

To my dear readers,

I play handball for my school. There many other players in the squad including my friends. There was a competition for us to be played. We were all excited for the event especially Nazrul. During the day, we came to school and changed into a jersey given by Puan Norsyuhada. After that, we went to the Cochrane school field. Once we reached there, we were all ready to play some handball. Unfortunately, our match took quite long, so we practiced hard. Once our school name was called out, we went to the court and were ready. While the game was going on, the teachers gave us some moral support. We fought hard but lost very badly because we made too many costly mistakes and were scolded by teachers as we did not do well in the match. We had to win the second match to qualify for the next match. We played very well, had many chances and tried our best to score. But, the luck was not on our side as our goalkeeper let in a goal easily. My dreams were shaterred after the defeat and we were sad because we were knocked out. The teachers gave us some support and asked us to never give up. Although we did not win, we tried our best. That is the most important thing.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My birthday trip to Sunway Lagoon

To my friends and buddies,

My birthday was actually on the 30 of April. I did not celebrate my birthday so I went to my cousin's house which was on the same day because he had a party. My parents did not buy me a cake this time but they bought many things for me like a soccer ball, clothes and a SUPERMAN belt. I was very happy with thoose presents. Not only that, we also went to SUNWAY LAGOON. Firstly, we woke up and did our daily routine. One hour later, we reached our destination. We were excited especially myself as it was my first time here. We went to put our valuable things in the locker so it would not get lost. Then, all of us went for a Roller Coaster ride. It was a very thrilling and exciting ride because all of us were screaming and laughing. After that, we went to the Colarado Splash. It was so fun because we get to slide so fast that we couldn't see anything. We also experienced the the waterfall. The water was so fresh. Lastly, we went to meet the huge tigers. They looked so big sized and well-built. I couldn't believe my eyes as I have never seen one. We took some pictures of it. Then, we went back home with a happy face as we enjoyed the trip. This is a birthday trip not to be forgotten. I hope to have an even more wonderful birthday next year.