Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pulau Tioman

I just came back from this wonderful island. I went to Pulau Tioman for my holidays. I went there with my family, cousins, uncles and aunties. It was really fun. We went there by three cars. I and my cousins were very excited and did many activities there. We also stayed in a hotel for4 days 3 nights. We went snorkling in the middle of the sea and my cousins were very scared to snorkle in the rough and deep sea but it was fun and exciting. We also had a ride ont he boat around the island. After that, we also build sandcastles together and collected beautiful seashells. My mother brought some food to eat at the seaside. Besides that, we also went in a '' banana boat''. It was so scary which made us all fall on each other. Futhermore, we also enjoyed the delicious steamboat in the night at a restaurant. This is a holiday which I cannot forget forever.

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