Monday, April 27, 2009

About golf

To all of my beloved friends,

This may help. Golf is a game of concentration and using your mental strength. It is also a very fun and interesting game. I love to play it. In fact, I play it every weekend. You also need practice and belief in yourself. It is like studying.You can't just go and do your exams. Practice makes perfect. Although, you do not succeed, keep on trying. Do not give up. Always think positive. Success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of doubt, the clouds of doubt and you can never tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems a far. So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit. Its when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why should we care for our parents?

We should always care for our parents because they took care of us since we were babies. They also gave us a place to stay to protect us. Other than that, they helped us in acedemy and many others. Despite their hard work, we still do not respect them. But they still spend time on guiding and helping us with our problems especially school homework. They provide us with transport to school, clothes, shoes and many others. There is nothing else to ask for other than their kindness and care to us. We should at least produce good marks in our exam to make them proud and show that we can do it. This is why we should care for our parents.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pulau Tioman

I just came back from this wonderful island. I went to Pulau Tioman for my holidays. I went there with my family, cousins, uncles and aunties. It was really fun. We went there by three cars. I and my cousins were very excited and did many activities there. We also stayed in a hotel for4 days 3 nights. We went snorkling in the middle of the sea and my cousins were very scared to snorkle in the rough and deep sea but it was fun and exciting. We also had a ride ont he boat around the island. After that, we also build sandcastles together and collected beautiful seashells. My mother brought some food to eat at the seaside. Besides that, we also went in a '' banana boat''. It was so scary which made us all fall on each other. Futhermore, we also enjoyed the delicious steamboat in the night at a restaurant. This is a holiday which I cannot forget forever.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I will thank Pn. Ng first because she gave me a opportunity to do this wonderful folio. I also would thank my mother, sister and father for guiding me. Besides, i would thank my friends for teaching how to make a blog and good surroundings. Lastly, I thank everybody for helping and guiding me. Without them, I would not know how to do this folio.

Letter to a character

Dear tree,

I am Kiishaan Tharmalingam from 6B. You are very helpful and kind to the boy. Although, he only came to you for help but you still were kind to him which was a good thing to do. You were also very generous for giving him your body parts. His behaviour really upsets me. But, you also gave him many things that he didn't have. You remind so much of my parents. I am just glad that he was with you again. The way you'd sacraficed for the boy is the same way as parents sacrafice for their children. The boy should be happy to have such a caring friend.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Book Review

Tittle: Caring Tree
Author: Sheikh Hassam Seylan ' Abad
Illustator: Raihan Munif Bahasuan
Editor: Lim Puay Hiang
Publisher: Abad Ceria Enterprise

Book Review:

The story is about a boy and a caring tree. Everyday, he would come to play with the tree happily. He would climb the tree and eat the fruits. The boy and tree liked each other. As he grew up, he didn't want to play with the tree because he wanted to play with toys. The tree offered him to take it's fruits to sell and get money. For quite some time, the boy did not come back to visit the tree. The next time the boy came back, he asked the tree for something else. He asked the tree for something to build a house and the tree gave him it's branches. The next thing he asked for was the tree's trunk to build a boat. At last, when the boy was was old and wrinkly, he went back to the tree. The tree told him that I have nothing for you. Although the man was always asking for more, the tree welcomed him back.

The part that I like the most in the story is when the tree welcomed him back although the boy repeatedly asked the tree for something each time he came back.

I learned that we should not only seek a friend when we require their help. We should always keep in touch with them, regardless of the fact that we need something from them. Besides, I learned that we should always help out a friend in need.

Self Introduction

Hi, my name is Kiishaan Tharmalingam. I am 12 years old and I study in Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bintang Utara. My favourite subject is Bahasa Malaysia. I have a very loving family. My father works as a Managing Director and my mother works in the same office as an administrator. My father is 50 years old while my mother is 48 years old. I have 3 helpful sisters who always help me whenever I am in trouble. My eldest sister is studying in Australia at the University of Queensland. I miss her so much but I will be meeting her sometime at the end of this year. My hobbies are playing golf, watching television and reading story books especially in the evening. When I grow up, I want to be a professional golfer and this has become my ambition. My goal for 2009 is scoring 5As which will be one of biggest achievements in my life so far. My family and relatives will be very proud of me.